Wednesday, 10 August 2022

"Message of Molecular Spectroscopy" -Prof. M. R. Nagaraju

 ರಸ ಯೋಗಿ ಎಮ್.ಆರ್.ಎನ್ 

Message of Molecular Spectroscopy

Harmony and complementarity is beauty – said Socrates. Molecular spectroscopy indicates that harmony and complementarity   is safety also. The molecule is safe as long as it maintains symmetry during rotation and vibration. When once asymmetry sets in, it tends to break the relation. Thus study of molecular spectroscopy and its moral is vital in these days where friends becomes traits and couple divorce frequently. 

                   Consider rotation of molecules.  In fact, rotation itself is a tendency of the atoms to move away from each other. This repulsive force is due to the centrifugal reaction generated during rotation. At lower energy levels, the rotation is slow and symmetrical but becomes asymmetric and distortion of the molecule at the higher energy level leading to instability. Why all these?

                   The basic criterion for rotation is the polarity of the molecule. This is nothing but uneven distribution of the wealth of the molecule- i.e.  electrons. When electrons are evenly distributed along the bond, the molecule is non planar and hence there will be no rotational spectrum. Uneven distribution of electron implies partiality among the partners. Embedded partiality and hence dissatisfaction (polarity) will create a favourable condition for separating atoms.

                   The circular motion is possible only when we create a couple- Two forces acting in opposite direction, separated by a distance in space. This is possible only when two ends along the bond are having opposite charges  (i.e. uneven distribution). Difference of opinion, if there, only leads to distortion by rotation.

                   If the molecule is polar and energy is supplied externally the molecule rotates with higher and higher speed. Thus the difference of opinion of the friends/couple must be triggered by the supply of energy of absorptive wavelength.

                   Let us turn to vibration. In this case, there is no such condition that the molecule must have inherent polarity. For example O=C=O molecule which is symmetric and without any considerable dipole moment is active and produces vibration spectra. Is it not curious to know why?

The answer is obvious. Vibration does demand a couple. It needs only absorption of energy.

                   Vibration itself can cause asymmetry. There are symmetric and asymmetric vibrations. Surprisingly, even the symmetric vibrations which constitute a parabolic curve indicating the equal movement, becomes asymmetric at higher energy level.

Thus the vibration at higher levels causes asymmetry in the molecule. The asymmetry also leads to uneven distribution of charge and the bond breaks.

           Friendship remains as long as dependence dominates even independence. With energy inputs independence takes the forefront leading to the break of bond.

       The companionship among the poor is more compared to the companionship of the rich. Since they depend on the other party for their survival.

       People are growing rich and the feeling of independence is decreasing because of the money they own. That is why the individuals’ attachment to the nation, community is getting weakened. Even the family ties are under stake. Beware; you are heading towards an atomized society – because of uneven distribution of wealth and the illusion of independence created by the wealth possessed by the partners. This is the moral / model of personal relations as depicted by the spectroscopy.


-Prof. M. R. Nagaraju, Bangaluru. 

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