Friday, 5 August 2022

 ರಸಯೋಗಿ- ಎಂ. ಆರ್. ಎನ್.

Religion tries to pacify people to the variations of the visible world through the notion of GOD,whereas chemistry promotes people to understand and cause variation in the structure as well as properties of the visible world.It also, like religion,the notion of invisible ATOM AND ITS CONSTITUENTS to interpret (NOT OT IGNORE)the facts of the visible world.In fact chemistry builds bridge between the tangible world we experience and the atomic world it has conceived.It will engage us ,if we like,to such an extent that we can be indifferent to our personal pains and gains, along with the bonus of converting raw materials of the universe into useful ones.thus chemistry is a practical pravrtti marga by global service at world level if wisely used and nivrtti marga at personal level.
Let us promote the cause of chemistry by:
a)Appreciating and encouraging its endeavours
b)Enjoying its omnipresence and its yeoman service
c)popularising CHEMISTRY
d)Preventing the hazards misuse,disuse and overuse of chemistry which spoils the  environment

g the hazards misuse,disuse and overuse of chemistry which spoils the  environment 


Here is the answer for your question:

porous bits or glass rod is required for providing nucleus for bubble formation.[Very much similar to cloud seeding.] The suspended particles of milk provide such nuclei. Hence no such feature is needed. But, suspended particles of milk floculate and cream is formed. Layer of cream prevents the escape of steam. Milk rises up.In order to avoid this either you have to splash water or continuously stir with a ladle.                  


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